As most of the medical student audience had waited over to see the picture and Dr. Pauly asked me to comment on the film, it provided a wonderful opportunity to contrast the comments, attitudes, strivings, etc. of the impersonator with the TV and thus drove home the point doubly well.

That night we had a meeting of a lot of the local girls at Donnas house giving me a chance to get acquainted with new ones and renew acquaintance with old friends like Olivia 37-P-1 FPE and Fiona (formerly of Australia); who was our third Cover Girl way back back in Issue No. 8. Of course we didn't get to bed till about 2 and that was a long time from 5 A.M. plus almost continuous talking all day. I was really shot.

Noon on Friday I boarded the plane for L.A. via S.F. and arrived home to face the pile of mail and problems that had accumulated during my absence in spite of the best efforts of Mary to keep on top of them. Thus endeth this oddessey . about 4000 miles of travel by plane, bus, train and ship, 6 radio and TV interviews, 2 professional seminars, and 4 group meetings. Somewhere in all that there was supposed to be a




"Now, first off, I want you all to forget I'm a man.”